The Blogger

My name is Jessica,  I am 25 years old, from St Albans (which is just outside of London, England)

You could say I've had an eye for beauty & fashion since a young age and after discovering the blogging world and following countless blogs, I decided I wanted to write my own little thoughts on everything related. 

As it stands, I currently work a 60 hour week as a Nanny/PA. I qualified a couple of years ago as a Makeup Artist, but I am unsure on which path i'd like to take in life, so i'm currently in what one would call the 'living' stage, where i'm taking each day as it comes, whilst I blog about things I love part-time.

I guess you only see the 'love of beauty & fashion' side of me, well I have a passion for culture & music. I can't imagine anything better than travelling, seeing the world and exploring different places, I have been lucky enough to see lots of different countries (although I still have a huge list of places I want to visit) I'm usually one of those people that will obsess over how amazing the stars look, or how beautiful a building in Greece is. I'm also musically obsessed, I literally can't go an hour without listening to something, and I usually tend to go for the Norah Jones type, Johnny Cash, Jake Bugg, Paolo Nutini - to name a few. I tend to sing (a lot and not very well) and enjoy discovering new kinds of music and artists. I'm petrified of getting old, and hate not knowing what my future holds.. I believe in love, although I can't say I've ever been in love. However, I do love disney films, infact I'm often described as a big kid, you know one of those crazy people obsessed with Christmas? Yep that'll be me.

On here, you will find product reviews, hauls, monthly favourites, gradually some style/fashion pieces & I may throw in a couple of random entries. 


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