Saturday 28 March 2020

Hello blog

This may seem like a new thing to the majority of you reading this, but actually I've had this blog a long time - dating all the way back to 2013. I've decided to have a refresh of it completely, scrap most of the old posts and start a whole new blog.. so hello my first "new" blog post.

Now you're probably wondering what this is all about? Since a young age I've always followed blogs, Youtube channels, instagram influencers (once they came about) and decided to do my own little something.

2019 was a crazy year, I gained a boyfriend, new job, new home and visited 7 countries, I'm contemplating whether I even have the time to blog or write, but this isn't a "job" it's a hobby.

I'm looking through my old posts currently and seeing hauls, monthly favourites, christmas gift guides etc, so expect to see a bit of that and more as my blog grows.

Oh shoot, I forgot to write a bit about me.. Well my name is Jess, if you hadn't already gathered. I'm 25 years old and live in Stevenage with my boyfriend and work a 60 hour week as a Nanny/PA. I travel a lot, both with work and leisurely and barely have time to socialise (but I mean I do squeeze it in when I can) If I'm not working I'm usually at home on the sofa watching a good TV series (any grey's anatomy fans?), flicking through Instagram or cooking food.


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